I just finished Brene Brown's netflix show. 

If you don't know Brene Brown, get on board like yesterday. Her talks on vulnerability, courage, and shame are extraordinary and potent.

As I was watching it, so much of it hit home. I am currently in the throws of spending way too much to transition back, afraid of how I am going to make it all work, and all the while feeling extreme joy and passion for life. 

Transitions are a son of a bitch, but I know deep deep deep down in my heart, I love them. I love the courage they build. The resiliency they stack upon your muscles of life. The heartache that may come with not having it all at once and right now. The exhilaration of your wants and needs being fulfilled. You can't take that away from someone when they find it. 

See, there is this odd aversion to transition. But be honest with yourself. How the hell are you gonna get what you want without transitioning THROUGH to a new space of reality? Magically thinking that nothing will shift as you expand and communication your wants and visions and realities is utter bullshit. 

Giving yourself permission to allow for courage and vulnerability to be there in the same place is vital to the things you aren't saying but want to say so badly. Because you know it means leaving the world you are comfortable in behind. It means the potential of failure, of rejection, of anger, of confusion. 

It isn't your fault to fear them. It isn't your fault that you avoid them like the plague. 

The cliches around Transitions are that they are awful, bound for doom, and will eventually lead to you being paralyzed for the rest of your life. 

The reality of it? They won't. Sometimes they lead to marriage, they lead to the dream job, they lead to you waking up with a true sense fo vitality and aliveness. 

Transitions may just become your new best friend, if you let them. That, however, is up to you . 

Happy Transitioning
