We all want a perfect world where everyone gets along and it’s always positive and there is never a problem right?


Sorry, but fuck no. I don’t. I love disagreement. I love dissonance. I adore discord. I think that critical decision making and healthy conversations on opposing viewpoints can be like porn. 


Why am I so passionate about diverging opinions? Because it means that you are using your knowledge and your own experiences to shape your actions and habits. 

Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that you should go kill a person or rob a bank or take an action that causes ill will against another person. 


What I am speaking about is the use of your critical noggin skills with research, instinct, experiences, and intuitive guidance to shape your world. 


Real life example:


If you know anything about me and my dad, you’ll know one thing: It’s been a fuckin riiiiide. We have butted heads so many times, times to the point where my dad has told me to pick a bible and a letter from an ex gay, to me completely disowning him in the Gatwick Airport callling him out as judgmental and homophobic. 


Fast forward to a year later and we talk every week. We listen to each other’s viewpoints. We understand we are not on the phone to change each other or force each other to agree. We are there to love and upport each other’s wants and needs, regardless if we like or agree with them.


That’s what we are creating with each other. 


Some of our family may not agree with me or my dad. They may say he is being homophobic. Some may not agree with me taking the time to get to know my dad more. They may say it’s a waste of time or that it doesn’t make sense? 


I honestly don’t give a shit. Why? Because my father is my father. He’s the one I got. and I am gonna do my dang best to treat him with courteously, love, and respect. 




So, my little hope and lesson for the day is to not judge a book so quickly by it’s cover. Open the pages. Even if you don’t agree with all the pages, take the time to read it sometimes and create your own experencial and sanctified opinions based on submersion, not omission. 



Happy Disagreeing Y’all.